These pictures were taken in the end of May 2013. This was similar to the date it was planted 2 years earlier, in 2012 it was almost knee high by this date. It was clear the cold weather slowed the emergence in the spring.
This group then was taken on the fourth of July, Another common date for past pictures. The significant gaps can be seen here in the full field views. This is from the entrance. High population to the right, low to the left. There is some good growth happening, but seems to be lacking the high level of production expected.
and this one was from the back of the field this is mostly the medium and low population area
The one really good performing area in the high population area is below. This is also at July 4 time frame and I think shows the best results that could be expected from a similar plot.
Then the last group of pictures I have are from July 27. It is amazing to see how much less the miscanthus crop (although showing the best growth yet) compares to even the poorest end-rows in the corn crop growing right next to it.
Here is another picture from late July.
Through the fall I will continue to monitor the growth and post another update when the information is available.